An Educational Filter – A rhizomatic process applied to collaborative learning

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This thesis explores the process of learning theoretically through a rhizomatic process applied to collaborative learning. A rhizome constantly changes, is flexible and spontaneous. The destination of the path is the process of networking. The Rhizomatic Theory provides a model to develop a learning space that constructs a collaborative knowledge-based community. Therefore the qualities of the Rhizomatic spaces become the root force supporting the collaborative prototypical learning spaces that offer direction towards creating a networked globalized student ecology.

What architecture potentials emerge in relationship to an educational filter based on rhizomatical pedagogy?  An architectural educational filter design based on the ideas of data, collaborative learning environments and the rhizomatic process offers an architectural forum to design and build interesting and aesthetic spaces that differ from current educative design potentials. The collaborative educational filter design encourages the students to develop their own linguistics through spatial communication with other environments. A rhizomatic education allows students to teach themselves. A rhizomatic learning space offers a type of engaged collaboration that metaphorically grows a connective tissue or network that has the ability to change spatially, depending on forced conditions. The networked adhesion develops a sense of place where the undefined rhizome becomes the educative space that operates through the promotion of social exchanges. Thus a type of urban interface emerges.

About Giorgio Bertini

Research Professor. Founder Director at Learning Change Project - Research on society, culture, art, neuroscience, cognition, critical thinking, intelligence, creativity, autopoiesis, self-organization, rhizomes, complexity, systems, networks, leadership, sustainability, thinkers, futures ++
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